Some are answered and others give rise to more questions.
Here at YaMaY Botanicals, we know that the more questions that get asked, the more creative potential exists for implementing the best solutions. Here is a train of thought with strings of questions about the electrical potential of plants. Why? It’s important to know how plant compounds interact when mixed in our production facility, so let’s ponder shall we?
How is it that plants grow skyward as if defying gravity? How is it that their roots grow by spiraling down towards the depths of the soil? Is there some kind of magic in the air or can we explain these phenomena with an air of science?
Are the tops of plants attracted to the ionosphere in the sky and hence want to rise toward it? Does gaseous water exit the stomata of leaves at night only to rejoin its sister molecules up high? Does that mean the water in our bodies has charge and polarity too? Yes. Where does the push and pull come from that allows a giant redwood tree to force thousands of kilograms of matter upwards while its roots search for the right conditions downwards and outwards? Did we miss the lesson on levity while we were learning about gravity? Since our toilets flush in opposite directions depending on whether we are in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, does that mean roots grow clockwise in the North and counterclockwise in the South? This question can be explained by the movement of the sun since the light-catching aspect of the plant grows spiraling skyward following the sun’s path, hence its roots will grow along the same spiraling path. How is it that trees can communicate over very large distances near instantaneously? Are the electric currents running through the mycelium in the soil responsible for this communication? Did the fungi form the original internet? Or is everything just connected via ether as our ancestors taught for millennia?
The things there are to ponder eh?
Did you know that the pH scale is just a measure of charge (electric potential)? What is called alkalinity or basicity (pH higher than 7) is a wanting to accept electricity (currently called negative charge) and what is called acidity or lower than 7 pH is measuring the wanting of giving electricity (positive charge). Does writing that the liquid being pH tested “wants” something mean that it has consciousness? Is it possible that everything is consciousness? Is that how we are all connected? Some call it the noosphere or collective consciousness. What about the conductive properties of plants and people? Does the iron and copper in plants play a role in the charges charging and discharging within? Does the iron moving along in our blood create a magnetic field? Yes. Does the copper in our brains aid in conducting electricity around our nervous systems? Of course. Why did our ancestors teach that our cerebrospinal system worked as a pump moving the plasma-like clear cerebrospinal fluid down our spines and
back up again?
Weren’t we talking about plants? Oh, the tangents of pondering. Thank you
plants and your electrical properties for getting us started!
YaMaY Botanicals